The Meaning Behind The Song: Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche by Escape The Fate

The Meaning Behind The Song: “Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliché” by Escape The Fate

Album title: Dying Is Your Latest Fashion (2006)


  • Written By: Mike Booth, Robert Ortiz, Omar Espinosa, Bryan Money, Max Green & Ronnie Radke
  • Mixed By: Michael “Elvis” Baskette & Dave Holdredge
  • Guitar: Omar Espinosa & Bryan Money
  • Release Date: September 26, 2006
  • Interpolated By: “Hey Jarrod, What’s That Song Again?” by Amidst the Grave’s Demons
  • Remixed By: “Not Good Enough for Truth in Cliché (Demo)” by Escape The Fate

Escape The Fate’s song “Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliché” is a gripping narrative that explores the dark dynamics of a toxic relationship, ultimately leading to the demise of one of the individuals involved.

The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the pain and hurt caused by hurtful words from enemies over the last five years. The protagonist contemplates the feeling of dying alone and the freezing tears when cried. The mention of the blood in their veins being “twenty below” gives a chilling sensation, symbolizing their emotional state.

The chorus of the song adds a layer of intensity, as the protagonist finds themselves sitting in a room playing Russian roulette. The reference to “my dear Juliet” and the silhouette seen from the window create an atmosphere of impending doom. The blood on their hands is a haunting reminder of something they cannot forget, suggesting a tragic end to the story.

The second verse further amplifies the intensity, as the protagonist decides to bring the situation down a notch by crashing their car through the window of their partner. The desperation to “make sure you’re still alive, just in time to kill you” showcases the disturbed and destructive mindset they find themselves in.

The bridge emphasizes the protagonist’s emotional turmoil, expressed through the repetitive “I can’t take this take anymore” lines. They feel numb to the pain inflicted upon them, unable to fully comprehend the gravity of what has been done.

Throughout the song, Escape The Fate creates an atmosphere of chaos and desperation, guided by heavy guitar riffs and powerful vocals. The intense composition perfectly aligns with the raw emotions portrayed in the lyrics.

As a listener, this song resonates on a personal level, bringing forth memories of challenging relationships and the lingering effects they can have. It serves as a reminder of the importance of recognizing toxic dynamics and striving for healthier connections.

“Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliché” is a standout track from Escape The Fate’s debut album, Dying Is Your Latest Fashion. Its impact on listeners lies in its ability to capture the darkness and complexity of human relationships, ultimately leaving an indelible mark on those who engage with its powerful message.

Listen to “Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliché” by Escape The Fate:
