Alan Arkin and Jeremy Yaffe


Alan Arkin and Jeremy Yaffe  


Jeremy Yaffe and Alan Arkin are divorced after a marriage of 5 years. They had 2 children.

They had 2 children, Adam (67) and Matthew (63).


American Actor Alan Arkin was born Alan Wolf Arkin on 26th March, 1934 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA and passed away on 29th Jun 2023 Carlsbad, California, USA aged 89. He is most remembered for Catch 22, Little Miss Sunshine.. His zodiac sign is Aries.


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Relationship Statistics

Married1955 - 19605 years
Total1955 -19605 years

(14 December 1955 - 1961) (divorced) (2 children) Adam Arkin was born on August 19, 1956 Matthew Arkin was born on March 21, 1960

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