Teri Shields was an American actress, film producer, socialite, and mother of actress Brooke Shields. She died after a prolonged illness relating to dementia.
Teri Shields age at the time of death
How old was Teri Shields at the time of death? What was Teri Shields’ age at the time of death? Teri Shields was 79 years old when she died. She died on October 31, 2012.
Teri Shields net worth at the time of death
Was Teri Shields rich? How rich was Teri Shields at the time of death? How much was Teri Shields worth at the time of death? Teri Shields’ real net worth was not known, however, it is believed that she spent most of her money on her alcohol addiction, and some point, on her health.
Her daughter, Brooke had to leave her at some point because of the seriousness of her addiction.
“I had to leave her because of her addiction. If I had a manager now, they wouldn’t last five minutes if they were an alcoholic. It was long overdue. I needed to grab the reins and make my own mistakes,” Brooke said.