Lots of different items have been found on Blind Frog Ranch over the years, a metal bracelet and various coins have been discovered by using metal detectors on the land. During Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch season 1, Chad finds “pure gold” coins from 1849 on the land. These are different from the “Spanish coins” previously found on the ranch.
Hidden treasure, ancient coins, Aztec gold, boxes filled with unknown items in caverns, the list could go on – and the Ollingers are here to uncover it all. Many items have been found on the Utah land at Blind Frog Ranch and one of the latest discoveries on the show was a liquid metal.
Lots of different items have been found on Blind Frog Ranch over the years, a metal bracelet and various coins have been discovered by using metal detectors on the land. During Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch season 1, Chad finds “pure gold” coins from 1849 on the land.
The network’s new series, Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch seeks to put a different spin on the typical treasure hunting show, however. Everything at Blind Frog Ranch isn’t what it seems the Duane Ollinger and his team will find out if rumors of paranormal activity in the area are true. If you love a good mystery, this is one show worth checking out.
While some people purchase land for views or for the prospect of building a property, Duane Ollinger ‘s family bought the massive 160-acre Utah plot known as Blind Frog Ranch to search for buried treasure. Duane and his son, Chad Ollinger, are trying to finish a goal set by Duane’s own father.
At long last, during Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch season 2 episode 4, Duane, Chad and their team extract the box from the cavern on their ranch. Getting the box out didn’t come without its challenges which seems to be a theme on the Discovery series.
What did Duane Ollinger do before buying Blind Frog Ranch?
Hunting for treasure on haunted property isn’t exactly where Duane’s experience lies. Prior to purchasing Blind Frog Ranch, he spent years working in the Texas oil industry. While it’s not exactly the same thing as looking for gold, it does have a lot of similarities. 2.
Skinwalker Ranch is another property in Utah that is notorious for stories of paranormal activity including alleged sightings of UFOs. Stories about the property were documented in a series on the History Channel called The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch which aired in 2020.
2. Chad Ollinger Sold His Business To Work With His Dad. This adventure isn’t just a hobby for the Ollingers, they are all in. In fact, Chad sold his crop dusting business and his home in Texas to relocate to Utah in hopes of uncovering lost treasure.
Blind Frog Ranch has a long and spooky history, and it’s not one that many people are comfortable messing with. When asked if they’ve run into any locals who are exactly thrilled about their project, Chad told TV Show Ace, “that is what we hear from the majority of the people we talk to, whether it’s native Americans or just like local town people like that. They are very hesitant and they’re worried about what we’re doing. No doubt about it.”
Since Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch is still so early in its first season, there hasn’t been any announcements on whether or not it will be brought back for a second season. The team, however, is hoping that will be the case and so far the fans seem to be excited about it, too.
In reality, however, it can be very dangerous. Blind Frog Ranch has several caves and caverns that will need to be explored, and accessing those locations can be very dangerous. 6. There Is More Than One Spooky Story Associated With The Land.
Although Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch doesn’t appear to have its own social media accounts, viewers can find additional content directly on the Discovery website.
What is the mystery at Blind Frog Ranch?
Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch has believers and skeptics alike watching. The Discovery Channel series about Duane Ollinger and his pursuit for gold may seem like just another treasure hunt. What viewers do not know is the direction the show is taking. According to Milton Dailey, real estate agent and longtime friend of Duane Ollinger, Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch is more than just a search for lost treasure. “They are building it up as a gold find,” he says. “but then things start happening”.
From 1947, just after the Roswell crash, until 1969, the year man walked on the moon, there was a top-secret government project known as Project Blue Book. Project Blue Book was a United States Government project to investigate reports of unidentified flying objects.
Dailey even claims that government officials have made inquiries into the Blind Frog Ranch. “There are people from higher up that has been trying to keep them away from that area and not expose anything. There were government officials blocking them from entering the property”. Dailey tells TV Shows Ace a story of government officials blocking …
The UFO Conspiracy has been a presence in society for decades. Beginning with the Roswell crash in 1947, citizens have long believed our own government has been involved. The United States Government did in fact treat the presence of UFOs and alien life as a national security risk.