BOISE, Idaho (CBS2) — A BSU professor is facing backlash for controversial comments at the National Conservatism Conference.
In a viral TikTok with over 33,000 views, user @sociallstlyawkward calls out the professor for making sexist comments.
CBS 2 also got an email from a viewer expressing their concern.
Scott Yenor is a Professor of Political Science at Boise State University, where he teaches political philosophy. On Nov. 1, he attended the second National Conservatism Conference where he spoke at the conference.
The full speech is below.
CBS2 also reached out to Professor Yenor through his Boise State email address.
Here is an official statement from Boise State University:
"Boise State University understands that the open exchange of ideas, which is fundamental to education, can introduce uncomfortable and even offensive ideas. However, the university cannot infringe upon the First Amendment rights of any members of our community, regardless of whether we, as individual leaders, agree or disagree with the message. No single faculty member defines what Boise State — or any public university — endorses or stands for."
"Recently, academic freedom has faced challenges in universities around the country. We stand fully in support of academic freedom. Academic freedom is the bedrock of the university and higher education, and our faculty hold a wide range of opinions and perspectives. As noted by our governing Board, “Academic freedom is essential to protect the rights of the faculty member in teaching and the student in learning.” As such, academic freedom will be protected within the governing policies of the Idaho State Board of Education and Boise State University. We aim to facilitate non-violent and free expression that allows for true and open engagement with ideas — in support or in critique of a position — and that results in deeper learning and growth for all."
"We welcome all people to our campus, regardless of their background, experiences, or identity. Members of the Boise State community who have questions about the intersection of academic freedom, free speech, and harassment or who would like to file a complaint alleging a violation of law or policy, can contact Institutional Compliance and Ethics. If students at any time feel they are experiencing discrimination because of their viewpoints, background, or any distinguishing characteristic, we have robust processes, including our academic grievance policy and our nondiscrimination and anti-harassment policy, which protect students’ rights. Boise State takes these concerns very seriously and implements corrective action when appropriate."
This is a developing story. We will provide the Professor’s response when we receive one.