Nancy Nelson Obituary, Death – When Bob and I discussed the primary theme of this memorial message for Nancy about a week and a half ago, he stated, “Well, along with all the good news that there is in Jesus Christ, one major focus should be on suffering.” That may come as a surprise to some of you, not because you were uninformed of Nancy’s ongoing suffering throughout her life, but rather because you may be wondering whether such a focus may prove to be encouraging for those of us who are left behind as well as a fitting memorial to Nancy’s faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. But Bob
The way you and Bob are thinking about this is completely off base. He is not requesting that I pull some pleasant ideas out of my own mind and share them with him. Only because God’s word, the Bible, has spoken to us about pain and instructed us to see it in a certain manner have we the courage to speak about suffering in a context such as this. Therefore, I want to encourage you to come with me into the Scriptures as we focus on five dimensions of suffering, particularly in relation to Nancy’s experience. Please accept my invitation
Nancy, and I have known each other for more than forty years, and Bob is aware of the kinds of things that I will say in response to the problem of suffering in the world. This is not a risky venture. There are a lot of things, including some very essential realities concerning suffering, that are made very apparent in God’s word. In addition, I feel the need to make it crystal clear that I do not make the claim to speak on my own authority with relation to such a sensitive and distressing subject matter.