The Meaning Behind The Song: Barrel Racer Land by Kenny Feidler

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreDurationProducer
Barrel Racer LandKenny FeidlerN/AN/AJanuary 1, 2013N/AN/AN/A

Barrel Racer Land is a song by Kenny Feidler that was released on January 1, 2013. While the specific genre and album information are not available, the lyrics of the song tell a story of a barrel racer and offer insight into their lifestyle.

The song introduces the listener to the world of barrel racing, a popular rodeo event where participants compete against the clock as they navigate their horses around barrels in a cloverleaf pattern. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the protagonist’s life as a barrel racer and the ups and downs they experience.

The first verse sets the stage for the narrative, describing the sacrifices made by the barrel racer. They travel long distances, pull trailers, and rely on the support of their family and friends. Despite the financial challenges, all the barrel racer needs to do is ride their horse.

The chorus emphasizes the glamorous side of barrel racing, with the protagonist looking good both inside and outside the arena. However, the lyrics also reveal a darker side with the mention of perfume so strong that it causes the protagonist to pass out and hit the can, suggesting a reliance on substances to cope with the pressures of their lifestyle.

In the second verse, the focus shifts to the protagonist’s personal relationships. They have a sugar daddy figure who spoils them and a “roughy” on the side for intimate encounters. The mention of an “Appaloosa pony” chasing first-place prizes suggests that the protagonist may engage in multiple relationships or encounters to secure financial support or increase their chances of winning.

The third verse takes a more explicit approach, referencing the barrel racer’s appearance and sexual experiences. The mention of “fur on her boots and none down there” may allude to grooming choices or the lack of pubic hair as a result of the lifestyle they lead. The provocative lyrics continue, highlighting the protagonist’s horse’s behavior, suggesting a correlation between its erratic behavior and the use of drugs like cocaine.

In the fourth verse, the lyrics touch upon the material possessions and physical attributes of the barrel racer. They own a pleather saddle, fake tits, and have no inhibitions. However, the mention of losing front teeth in a fight with a best friend hints at the potential consequences of living a fast and reckless lifestyle.

The fifth verse adds a touch of disappointment and missed opportunities. The protagonist knocks down the third barrel during a ride due to distractions such as deep ground and their horse spotting a bird. The mention of “music too loud and lights too bright” suggests a sensory overload, possibly reflecting the overwhelming nature of the rodeo environment.

The final verse acknowledges the challenges faced by barrel racers and the sacrifices they must make to succeed. The lyrics imply that the protagonist engages in sexual encounters with wealthy individuals, turning them into “poor men.” The mention of rug burn on their ass suggests the physical toll of their lifestyle.

Personally, as a fan of country music, this song resonates with me in a unique way. Growing up in a rural community, I have witnessed the passion and dedication of barrel racers. The song captures the grit, glamour, and struggles of this rodeo event, painting a realistic and at times raw portrayal of their lives. While the lyrics may be controversial and push boundaries, they offer a glimpse into a world that is often romanticized and misunderstood.

In conclusion, Barrel Racer Land by Kenny Feidler is a song that delves into the world of barrel racing and provides an insight into the lifestyle of its participants. With its honest and sometimes provocative lyrics, the song offers a raw depiction of the highs and lows experienced by barrel racers. Whether you’re a fan of country music or simply curious about the intricacies of rodeo events, this song provides a unique perspective that is worth exploring.
