Dateline: Secrets Uncovered: Current Location Of Yazeed Essa And Murder Details Explored

Yazeed Essa, who was convicted of killing his wife Rosemarie Essa on February 24, 2005, is currently incarcerated at the Ohio State Penitentiary in Youngstown and is serving a life term for the crime.

This entire investigation is going to be featured in the most recent episode of Dateline: Secrets Uncovered, which is going to be named “Bitter Pill,” and it is going to air on January 17, 2023 at 8:00 PM. m. on OXYGEN 79.

Also Read: Rosemarie Essa Murder Case Explored In Dateline: Secrets Uncovered: Bitter Pill

Yazeed Essa: Who Is He?

A man who had previously been convicted of murder was able to elude the authorities in the United States for more than 18 months while hiding out in Beirut because the officials in Lebanon were unaware that he was there.

Yazeed Essa was the son of a Palestinian immigrant who ran a grocery store. His father was of Palestinian heritage.

Yazeed rose from modest beginnings to become a well-known physician in the city of Cleveland, Ohio. Even more impressive, he was a co-owner of a paging company that he and his brother had started.

From the outside, it appeared as though he was living the life of a model citizen. That was before he threw it all away on February 24, 2005, by killing his wife Rosemarie with a poisonous substance.

Yazeed Essa: Who Was His Wife Rosemarie Essa?

On October 21, 1966, Rosemarie DiPuccio was brought into the world by her parents, Rocco and Gee Gee DiPuccio. In 1995, she began working as a nurse at the now-closed Mount Sinai Hospital. It was there that she met Yazeed Essa, who was working as an emergency room physician and businessman at the time.

At the time, he was seeing Alexandra Herrera, but he ended their relationship in order to be with DiPuccio. The wedding took place on September 11th, 1999.

One year after that, they welcomed a son named Armand, and then two years after that, they welcomed a girl named Lena. Her kin gushed over how attentive and loving Rosemarie was as a mother, and she and her partner gave all appearances of being satisfied as they discussed having a third child.

Yazeed Essa: How Did He Murdered His Wife?

Rosemarie Essa and her sister went to see a film on February 24, 2005, at approximately 2:00 p.m., at a local movie theater. When she started to feel sick while she was driving, she called her close friend Eva McGregor and explained that the calcium pills that her husband had given her earlier could be the cause of her symptoms.

After then, Rosemarie hung up and tried calling her husband, but he didn’t pick up the phone.

When she passed out behind the wheel, he was only travelling 10 miles per hour when they were involved in an accident with another truck.

She had begun throwing up in the car before she lost consciousness, which is why onlookers who came to aid her found her in a practically unconscious state when they arrived.

After that, she was brought to the hospital, where she was pronounced dead at 3:02 in the afternoon. The officials were perplexed by the fact that there were no injuries located on her body.

Dominic DiPuccio, Rosemarie’s husband, spoke with Dateline: Secrets at a later time and disclosed the information. It was discovered that Rosie’s best friend, Eva McGregor, had a sneaking suspicion that Yazeed was involved in the investigation.

Eva McGregor shared her suspicions with the Highland Heights Police Department, which led to Yazeed being questioned by authorities. After hearing Rosie’s mother mention about osteoporosis, Yazeed reportedly informed the police that he had demanded that his daughter Rosie take the calcium pills.

After the police arrived at Yazeed’s house, Yazeed handed the bottle of pills to the officers. After the bottle was opened and studied, it was discovered that cyanide had been mixed in with the calcium tablets. However, by the time the authorities located him, he had already departed the country and was in Lebanon.

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Yazeed Essa: How Did He Get Arrested?

Yazeed was taken into custody in order to answer certain questions after Eva McGregor reported her suspicions to the Highland Heights Police Department.

After overhearing his mother discuss osteoporosis, Yazeed reported to the authorities that he had urged that Rosie take the calcium pills in order to prevent her from developing the condition.

Following the police visit to Yazeed’s home, Yazeed handed over the pill bottle to the officers. After the bottle was opened and studied, it was discovered that the calcium pills had cyanide that had been added to them. However, by the time the authorities located him, he had already departed the country and was in Lebanon.

He got cocky and started bragging to other people about the crime that she had committed.

After living in Lebanon for seventeen months, he attempted to enter Cyprus under a false identity by flying there, but he was discovered by the authorities who were waiting there. In January of 2009, he was brought back to Cleveland to stand trial for aggravated murder after being extradited there.

Yazeed was found guilty of aggravated murder on March 8, 2010, and was consequently sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of release for a period of twenty years. He is being detained at the Ohio State Penitentiary in Youngstown at the present time.

Yazeed Essa Had One Mistress Named Michelle Madeline

They both worked at the emergency room of Akron General Hospital, where Michelle Madeline, one of Yazeed Essa’s mistresses, and Yazeed Essa, who was also a nurse, were coworkers. To obtain additional information, read through to the conclusion of the article.

According to Cleveland, one of Yazeed Essa’s girlfriends was a woman named Michelle Madeline. Essa had romantic relationships with other women at the same time.

Madeline and Essa first connected with one another while working in the emergency room of a hospital. Both Essa and Madeline held medical degrees and worked in the medical field.

In 2005, Yazeed Essa killed his wife Rosemarie by putting cyanide into the calcium pills she took on a regular basis. He had been having an affair with Michelle for several years prior to the time that he killed his wife, and he intended to begin his new life with her. He also wanted to have a new family.

Yazeed Essa: Trial

  • The jury selection process for the trial of Dr. Yazeed Essa took place over the course of seven weeks, beginning on January 18, 2010, and ending on March 5, 2010. The trial proceeded in a manner that was quite similar to how he described the events that transpired after the death of his wife.
  • Those who were close to him testified as witnesses for the prosecution in order to reconstruct the sequence of events that took place.
  • The prosecution based their case on circumstantial evidence because there was almost no forensic evidence to show the defendant’s guilt.
  • The incriminating information provided by family members, friends, lovers, and colleagues encompassed everything from his multiple extramarital affairs to a supposed confession to his flight overseas.
  • The defense painted the defendant as an unfaithful but loving husband who had no reason to kill his wife, whereas the prosecution painted him as a callous killer who fled the country and abandoned his children to avoid being prosecuted for the murder of his wife.
  • This was done so that the defendant could avoid being tried for the murder of his wife.
  • The deliberations on the lone count of aggravated murder took the jury approximately 22 hours spread out over the course of four days. Essa did not display any emotion and kept up the same level of stoicism that he had displayed all throughout the trial.

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