How old is Jim Thorpe (golfer)? When is Jim Thorpe (golfer)'s birthday? Where is Jim Thorpe (golfer) born? Where did Jim Thorpe (golfer) grow up from? What's Jim Thorpe (golfer)'s age?
Jim Thorpe (golfer) Born: 1949 (age 74years), Roxboro, NC
How about Jim Thorpe (golfer)'s current_tour?
Jim Thorpe (golfer) Current_tour: Champions Tour
How about Jim Thorpe (golfer)'s education?
Jim Thorpe (golfer) Education: Morgan State University
How about Jim Thorpe (golfer)'s profession_win?
Jim Thorpe (golfer) Profession_win: 21
How about Jim Thorpe (golfer)'s turn_profession?
Jim Thorpe (golfer) Turn_profession: 1972
How tall is Jim Thorpe (golfer) in meters or centimeters?
Jim Thorpe (golfer) Height: 6 0
Did Jim Thorpe win a golf tournament?
Born on February 1, 1949 in Roxboro, North Carolina, Jim Thorpe, who is affectionately called \u201cThorpie\u201d by his family, friends and fans, is an American professional golfer, currently playing on the PGA Champions Tour.
Is Jim Thorpe still playing golf?
Born on February 1, 1949 in Roxboro, North Carolina, Jim Thorpe, who is affectionately called \u201cThorpie\u201d by his family, friends and fans, is an American professional golfer, currently playing on the PGA Champions Tour.