A hiatal hernia can cause irritation to the vagus nerve leading to a variety of abnormalities with the stomach, heart, and lungs as a result of the stress on the vagus nerve from the hiatal hernia.Click to see full answer. Just so, what can irritate the vagus nerve?Most people will experience a vasovagal response due to a stressor or overstimulation of the vagus nerve at some point. Some other problems linked with vagus nerve dysfunction include: obesity, anxiety, mood disorders, bradycardia, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic inflammation, fainting and seizures.One may also ask, can acid reflux irritate the vagus nerve? Folks with IBS, heartburn, reflux and other digestive issues often have low stomach acid, and this too can be a vagus nerve issue. The vagus nerve prompts the cells in the stomach to release histamine, which helps the body to release the stomach acid you need to break down your food. Similarly one may ask, what are the symptoms of vagus nerve damage? Potential symptoms of damage to the vagus nerve include: difficulty speaking or loss of voice. a voice that is hoarse or wheezy. trouble drinking liquids. loss of the gag reflex. pain in the ear. unusual heart rate. abnormal blood pressure. decreased production of stomach acid. Can a hernia push on a nerve?As the bulge increases, this pain tends to be more intense. Pain may also occur as a result of irritation of or damage to area nerves as a result of the hernia and its contents pushing into or pinching the nerves. This too may cause localized pain, or may cause pain at a more distant area and is called Referred Pain.