Rahma Zein has spoken up in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, and her views on the conflict have generated widespread reactions among many. But how well do you know Rahma Zein? We will discuss the details of Rahma Zein’s Wikipedia and age in this write-up.
Rahma Zein Wikipedia: Who is Rahma Zein?
Rahma Zein has no Wikipedia page. She is an Egyptian podcaster; she is 30 years old and embodies a role model for the youth who recognize the significance of confronting injustice and oppression. She Rahma is the host of a podcast called H and the editor-in-chief of Scoop Empire.
Her maternal grandfather is the renowned journalist Mohsen Mohamed, the Chairman of the Editorial Board at Dar Al-Tahrir, and her grandmother is Hind Abu Al-Saud.
Rahma Zein made her presence felt on the international stage by condemning the human rights violations in the ongoing Hamas-Israel conflict, so let us take a look into that.
What Did Rahma Zein Say About the Israel and Palestine Conflict?
Rahma Zein has accused Israel of being “a spoiled brat you’re unable to say no to,” which has grown up to be “a sociopath in an interview with Piers Morgan
In the interview, Zein said that the United States has given permission for Israel to commit what she described as genocide on the ground, and it is causing a lot of suffering for civilians out there, not only in the ongoing conflict but for others as well.
“I have accused Israel of genocide. I am accusing Israel of genocide. It is genocide,” Zein insisted.
“Israel has the right to defend itself,” exclaimed Morgan.
But Zein fired back at Morgan: “Against what? Against women and children? How many Palestinians died?”
“The sick relationship between the US and Israel is putting the whole world in jeopardy,” Zein stressed. The Western world was raising Israel as “a spoiled brat” that has violated international law time and again, she added.
“You and the Western media are unable to say no to a country that has grown up to be “a sociopath,” Zein, the editor-in-chief of Scoop Empire, told Morgan.
I have people in New York who called me and said they were fired from their jobs because she declared support for the Palestinians.
Anchors and producers in the West are emailing their networks, asking why they are not showing the other side.
“Why aren’t you showing the other side?” She challenged Morgan.
“I am giving you a solution,” which is to end the occupation, she insisted.
“If Palestinian women under occupation give birth sometimes at Israeli checkpoints, Palestinians are being jailed in Israeli prisons, and if you are mercilessly bombarding Palestinians, then you are breeding Hamas.”
“I hear you, and I appreciate your opinion,” Morgan said.
Call for a ceasefire then!” Zein told Morgan.
“That’s not my job. My job is to interview people on the issue,” Morgan responded.
“Your job seems to be conducting sensational interviews,” Zein said as she took off her mic.
Rahma Zein Age: How Old is Rahma Zein?
The exact date of birth of Rahma Zein has not been made known to the public. However, following her recent interview in which she spoke out about the happenings in the conflict between Hamas and Israel, it has been confirmed that Rahma Zein is 30 years of age.