Fred Lehman Obituary, Des Moines Iowa, Heartfelt Farewell To Fred Lehman

Fred Lehman Obituary, Death Cause – The lives of Fred Earl Lehman, age 76, and Mary Louise Lehman, age 79, were cut tragically short in a collision on University Avenue that included their 1999 Buick Century and an 18-year-old driver operating a 2011 Camaro. Both of the Lehmans were active members of their community. In their statement, the Des Moines Police Department provided a comprehensive account of the sad events that transpired, including an explanation of how the Lehmans’ vehicle flipped over after colliding with a power post.

The impact was not only experienced on a physical level, but it also had a profound effect on the hearts of their family members and the members of the community that they had touched. In the midst of her sorrow, Lyndsay articulated a sense that goes beyond the immediate anguish that comes with losing a loved one. She remarked, “You know, there are some things that are worse than death,” pointing to the load that is now being carried by the young driver who unwittingly became a participant in this tragedy.

You know, there are some things that are worse than death,” she said. In spite of the tragedy that has befallen her family, Lyndsay places a strong emphasis on having empathy for the young guy since she is aware of the heavy burden that he will bear for the rest of his life. “We know that this young man will carry this burden for the rest of his life, and although I am aware of the suffering that our family is going through, we are crying for him because we know he will have to carry it for the rest of his life.

Lyndsay’s empathetic reply was that she believed something like that should never occur to anyone. She extends a hand of understanding and forgiveness in the midst of her loss, echoing the principles that her parents exemplified throughout their lives. The legacy that Fred and Mary Lehman have left behind is one of unflinching love, selflessness, and compassion.
