What do you call a female chinchilla?

A female chinchilla is called: velvet.Click to see full answer. Correspondingly, is a female or male chinchilla better?While females can sometimes be more territorial than males, gender mostly does not affect temperment in chinchillas. Chinchillas that are kept as pets with proper care can live longer than chinchillas in large ranches, where chinchillas often are kept only in the most economical housing with little space.One may also ask, do female chinchillas get their period? The female oestrus cycle is around 28 days in length, and she will be on heat for just 2 of those. Unlike some animals, where male and female can be introduced and then separated a few days later are the “deed is done”, with chinchillas it is often necessary to leave the happy couple together for weeks on end. Considering this, what is a good name for a chinchilla? Unisex Chinchilla Names Hopper– The bunny names are always a good choice. Squeaker– The cute sound of your chinchilla might inspire a name like this. Chilly– This fun play on the word chinchilla is just perfect. Chin– This is another great play on chinchilla.Is a chinchilla a rat?Chinchilla rats or chinchillones are members of the family Abrocomidae. This family has few members compared to most rodent families, with only nine known living species. They resemble chinchillas in appearance, with a similar soft fur and silvery-grey color, but have a body structure more like a short-tailed rat.
