Della Beatrice Howard Robinson‘s Early Life
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson was born in 1929. There’s no information about her early life.
How Old Is Della Beatrice Howard Robinson?
As of 2022, Della Beatrice Howard Robinson is 92 years old.
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s Parents And Siblings
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s father owns his business, and her mother, is a housewife but there is no other information about their identity available on the internet yet.
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s Educational Background
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson completed her school education at a private high school in America but there’s no information about her school(s).
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Della Beatrice Howard Robinson met Ray Charles in the South Central Region of the United States (Texas) in 1954 and they got married on April 5, 1955.
In the year 1955, Della Beatrice Howard Robinson married a Popular African-American musician, a songwriter named Ray Charles.
After living together for 22 years, they broke up and were living separately. The duo was officially divorced in the year 1977.
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s husband, Ray Charles is known for these famous albums such as “Georgia On My Mind” and in 1962 his album “Modern Sounds In Country And Western Music”, is the first album for Ray is becoming to top the Billboard 200 and also his many other hit albums.
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson is not Ray Charles’ first wife. His first wife was Eileen Williams.

Eileen and her husband Ray’s relationship lasted just one year. In the year 1951, she married a famous American singer and officially divorced in 1952.
Della’s husband married Della Beatrice after his divorce 3 years later.
Currently, her husband has died, her husband Charles died at his home in Beverly Hills, California of liver disease on June 10, 2004.
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s Children
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson and Ray Charles had three sons: Ray Charles Robinson Jr., David Robinson, and Robert Robinson.
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s Gospel Music Career
Not long after joining Cecil Shaw’s gospel squad, Della Beatrice Howard Robinson began singing on radio and in concerts.
Once she and her other members were under contract, they moved on to concert halls and bigger churches. Soon there was a recording contract; some of the creations survived to become CDs and are still available.
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s face appeared on the covers, smiling into the camera. By the time she was out of her teens, Robinson was on her way to a successful gospel career.
What Caused Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s Divorce With Ray Charles?
Ray Charles had an infamous affair with Mary Ann Fisher. Just two years after his marriage to Della Beatrice Howard Robinson, Ray Charles was also seeing two other women, Margie Hendricks and Mae Mosely Lyles.
The gospel singer’s wife of Charles knew about his extramarital affairs yet she decided to stick with him anyway partly because of her faith.
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson’s Net worth
Della Beatrice Howard Robinson is estimated to have a net worth of $15 million.
Facts About Della Beatrice Howard Robinson:
- Della Beatrice Howard Robinson didn’t find Ray Charles impressive during their first meeting.
- Della Beatrice Howard Robinson loves to wear high heels.
- Ray Charles knew Della Beatrice Howard Robinson was pregnant with their son earlier than Della herself found out.
- Della Beatrice Howard Robinson didn’t want her child to be named after Ray Charles for reasons known to her.
- Della Beatrice Howard Robinson got to know about her ex-husband’s real age on the day of their marriage.
- Della Beatrice Howard Robinson taught Ray Charles to sign and write his name.
- Della Beatrice Howard Robinson encouraged Ray Charles to sing with his voice.
- Actor, Jamie Foxx played received his first Oscar for Best Actor in 2005 portraying Della’s husband in the 2004 film, Ray. In the movie, Kerry Washington played the character of Della Beatrice Howard Robinson.
- Her former husband, Charles fathered a total of 12 children with ten different women, including Della Beatrice Howard Robinson.