Karine Martins Flaunts Baby Bump on Paul Staehle's Instagram

Despite a lot of ups and even more dramatic downs, Paul and Karine Staehle celebrated their 3 year anniversary last month.

Now, Karine is showing off her baby bump as the couple anticipate Baby #2.

Much earlier this autumn, Paul Staehle showed fans that Karine was once again part of his life.

At the time, he showed her getting some gorgeous ombre blue highlights and tips in her hair.

That kind of work needs to be touched up, so Karine once again had to make a trip to the salon.

Paul captured this weekend’s trip to the salon as well.

Things are a little different this time, now that it’s months later.

For one thing, Karine isn’t wearing a mask (even though Brazil is one of the hardest-hit countries, almost as bad as the US).

But the biggest difference, of course, is the biggest difference — Karine’s growing baby bump.

She is now entering her third trimester of the pregnancy.

And her baby bump is quite the sight to behold as she flaunts it for the camera.

Karine and Paul are expecting a baby boy, whom they will name Ethan.

It seems like the first reports of Karine’s pregnancy must have circulated immediately after she learned that she was pregnant earlier this year.

As we have discussed in reporting on Deavan Clegg’s tragic miscarriage last autumn, couples usually keep this news under wraps for weeks for a good reason.

Fortunately, things seem to be going well for Karine’s pregnancy.

In fact, Paul gave fans a sneak peek into her latest check-up in a recent YouTube appearance.

The couple had a busy weekend in Manaus. We hope that they and precious little Pierre continue to be safe as the devastating pandemic rages.

Some fans have … mixed feelings, to say the least, about Paul and Karine’s latest reconciliation.

It is only the most recent of many.

Their last split happened this summer, and involved police, restraining orders, and hair-raising accusations.

Apparently, in late July, Paul noticed Karine speaking to a Brazilian attorney and flipped out.

Police were called to the house, where a friend of Karine’s also arrived to advocate and translate for Karine.

For reasons known only to him (Paul makes weird choices), he decided to livestream the entire mess.

Some time after the police left, Karine fled the house with Pierre.

Paul attempted to enlist fans to track her down for him, forcing her to make a public statement that she was safe and that police knew where she was.

Given Paul’s lengthy history of arrests and accusations made by his other exes, fans could understand why she didn’t want him to know where she was.

Karine filed a restraining order against Paul.

In the police report, she accused him of controlling behavior, refusing to allow her to leave the house and withholding important documents.

She also accused him of abuse and of sexual assault.

Paul retaliated with a restraining order filing of his own.

In his documents, Paul accused Karine of putting shards of broken glass in his food.

Paul later went on to admit that he should not have accused her of that, and that it was not true.

Then they reconciled, despite years of toxic behavior, multiple breakups, and all of the upsetting nonsense that we saw on and off of 90 Day Fiance.

Fans are bracing themselves for the next, inevitable split.

And, worse, for their next inadvisable reconciliation. Everyone feels sorry for Pierre and, soon, for Ethan.

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