Lin Brehmer funeral, burial service, pictures, date, time, venue

Legendary Chicago radio host, Lin Brehmer, died Sunday after a long battle with cancer.

Brehmer was a morning, and then midday host, for WXRT FM for decades.

WXRT confirmed Brehmer’s death in a social media post, saying in part:

Lin Brehmer funeral, burial service, pictures, date, time, venue

The date and funeral venue for Lin’s burial is yet to be communicated.

He fought prostate cancer for years. Last July, he announced that the cancer had spread and took a leave of absence from the airwaves. He returned briefly in November and December.

Bremer called himself “your best friend in the whole world,” and listeners agreed!

The sign outside Chicago’s Wrigley Field paid tribute to the well-known radio personality, who was also a longtime Cubs fan.

“Tomorrow at 10am, his XRT family will celebrate the incredible life of our best friend in the whole world. We’ll hold each other up through this heart-breaking time. Lin would want that. Take nothing for granted,” WXRT also said.

Brehmer was 68 years old.
