Gina Gebhard Dies of Cancer, Gina Gebhard Obituary and Funeral Details

On the morning of March 18, after nineteen years of valiantly fighting five different cancers, Gina Gebhard, 56, of Wakefield, passed away quietly at home with her family by her side.

She was the adored daughter of the late Joseph A. and Jane (Ciarfella) Bernabeo and was born at the New England Memorial Hospital in Stoneham on September 24, 1966.

Gina was born and reared in Wakefield, Massachusetts, and she graduated from Wakefield Memorial High School in 1984. She ultimately earned her degree from Fitchburg State College.

Gina was a scientist who spent many years at Children’s Hospital and belonged to Wakefield’s First Parish Congregational Church.

She was an exceptional animal lover, a talented and imaginative cake designer, and a shining example for everyone she came in contact with. Her greatest accomplishment was being the best mother in the entire universe.

Leonard D. Gebhard, Gina’s devoted husband, Gianna Jane, Talia Annmarie, and Vanessa Mia Gebhard, as well as her brothers Dana P. Bernabeo and Helen, who have two sons, Ryan and Joseph, and Joseph A. Bernabeo and SueAnn, who have two sons, Joseph and Anthony, continue to carry on Gina’s legacy of love. The numerous friends whose lives she impacted also carry on her generosity, compassion, and light.

She was an exceptional animal lover, a talented and imaginative cake designer, and a shining example for everyone she came in contact with. Her greatest accomplishment was being the best mother in the entire universe.

Leonard D. Gebhard, Gina’s devoted husband, Gianna Jane, Talia Annmarie, and Vanessa Mia Gebhard, as well as her brothers Dana P. Bernabeo and Helen, who have two sons, Ryan and Joseph, and Joseph A. Bernabeo and SueAnn, who have two sons, Joseph and Anthony, continue to carry on Gina’s legacy of love. The numerous friends whose lives she impacted also carry on her generosity, compassion, and light.

The First Parish Congregational Church, 1 Church St., Wakefield, will host her funeral service on

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