Who is Al Rokers second wife Deborah Roberts? Age gap, wedding, children

Albert Lincoln Roker Jr., born August 20, 1954, is an American weather forecaster, journalist, television personality, and author. He is presently the weather anchor on NBC’s Today and occasionally co-hosts 3rd Hour Today.

Roker was born in Queens, New York, the son of Jamaican Isabel and Bahamian bus driver Albert Lincoln Roker Sr. He aspired to be a cartoonist at first.

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Who is Al Roker’s second wife Deborah Roberts?

Deborah Roberts is the second wife of AI POKER. The couple met at Today in 1990 and married five years later.

They’ve shared other milestones since then, including being featured on the cover of PEOPLE’s first-ever Love Issue in February 2021. Deborah Roberts works as an ABC News reporter.

Age gap

She hasn’t made her date of birth public and for that matter, our sources have failed to provide their age gap


The pair married in Manhattan’s St. Thomas Episcopal Church in front of family and celebrity guests, including Barbara Walters and Katie Couric.

Roker posted a video from the couple’s wedding day on Instagram in September 2020.


The television celebrities have two children: daughter Leila, born in 1998, and son Nick, born in 2002. Roker has a daughter from his first marriage, Courtney Roker.
