Big Brother: Who was Xavier Prathers brother Arrion that passed away? Mon 27 September 2021

As the season finale of Big Brother season 23 approaches, emotions and tensions are rising amongst the remaining house guests.

Following chats within the house on family, the news arose of Xavier’s brother who passed away just this year.

Xavier being the expected contestant to win this year’s Big Brother title has become a fan favourite and now his followers are eager to know more about Arrion, the brother of Xavier.

So who was Arrion? Reality Titbit had a look into his job, age and relationship with Xavier.

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Who was Xavier’s brother Arrion?

Arrion passed away on April 17th 2021, at the age of 31.

Father to a 4-year-old son, Kobe, named after Lakers player, Kobe Bryant, Arrion often posted his son to his Instagram page showing off the pair’s close father-son bond.

Arrion’s partner and mother of his child first appeared on his Instagram in February 2013 and so it appears that the pair were together for at least eight years prior to his passing.

Arrion reportedly passed away unexpectedly, but the cause of death has not yet been disclosed to the public by his family.

What was Xavier Prather’s relationship like with his brother?

According to the brother’s Instagram accounts, Xavier and his older brother Arrion appeared to have a very close relationship.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the pair met up for walks at Death Valley desert in California and in October 2020, Arrion took to his Instagram with an array of family photos captioning the post:

“This year taught me FAMILY is not to be taken for granted more than ever.”

Following his brothers death, Xavier took to Instagram to share his grief. Posting a photo of the two of them as children, Xavier wrote:

Uou always believed in me and had my back… I hope I can be half the big brother you’ve been to me and I will do everything in my power to be the best uncle to Kobe I can be.

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The Kyland and Xavier drama explained

In an intense confrontation between contestants Kyland and Xavier, viewers have had their say on Twitter, such as whether they believe Kyland’s comments went too far or not.

Having just been eliminated and feeling blind-sighted by Xavier, Kyland believed the two of them would go to the final together and told Xavier that he was being a bad role model to his nephew, the son of his late brother Arrion.

Many believed this comment was a step too far, as Kyland was aware of Arrion’s death prior to his comments.

One Twitter user took to Xavier’s defense:

I don’t think Xavier would use his nephew or his brothers death as a tragedy. Also he didn’t con anyone, it’s called a “blindside” things like that happen in big brother.

— Trinity 💋 (@slayliketrin) September 24, 2021
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In an interview with Us Weekly following his eviction from the Big Brother house, Kyland stated: “The words that I said aren’t something I regret because objectively they were true.”


