Did Adam Driver Undergo Ear Plastic Surgery? Family In Details

Adam Driver-FAQ

Q: When was Adam Driver born?

A: Adam Driver was born on November 19, 1983, in San Diego, California.

Q: What is Adam Driver’s birth name?

A: Adam Driver’s birth name is Adam Douglas Driver. He is sometimes credited as Adam Driver-Tucker, reflecting his marriage to Joanne Tucker.

Q: How tall is Adam Driver?

A: Adam Driver is 6 feet 3 inches tall (1.89 meters).

Q: What is Adam Driver known for?

A: Adam Driver is known for his roles in several critically acclaimed films, including “Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens,” “Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi,” “Paterson,” and “Marriage Story.”

Q: Is Adam Driver married?

A: Yes, Adam Driver is married to Joanne Tucker. They married in June 2013.

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