Swampertite in Pokmon Radical Red FandomSpot

LocationGift from the Dumbass Kid in Saffron City after defeating him and speaking to him with a Swampert follower.
  • Access to Saffron City
  • Have a Swampert
Mega EvolutionMega Swampert

Have a Swampert as your follower and then head to the Saffron City Pokémon Center. From there, go North on the path directly left of you.

Continue walking North, and you’ll see the purple door to a house you want to enter in the upper-left corner of the city.

Inside, you’ll see the Dumbass Kid standing next to all three Mudkip evolutions. Speak with him and answer him with “No” twice to initiate a battle.

After defeating him, speak with him again while ensuring that you have a Swampert follower and he’ll give you the Swampertite.
