How high do you hang a hammock?

Height: For hammocks with spreader bars, 4-5 feet/1.25 – 1.5m off the ground is the average distance for hanging the hammock. For hammocks without spreader bars, 6-8 feet / 1.8 -2.4m off of the ground is the optimum height for hanging the hammocks.Click to see full answer. Herein, what is the best height to hang a hammock? 18 inches Likewise, how deep do hammock posts need to be? The dimensions of a basic hammock post hole are twice the width of the post and 24 inches deep. If the ground is sandy or otherwise unreliable, make the post hole depth 30 inches. Keeping this in view, where do you hang a hammock? You can also hang your hammock between a tree and a solid building wall, between two buildings, between two vehicles, or between a vehicle and a tree. If you have a solid roof rack and enough height you can pull your car up to a tree, tie the strap around the tree and roof rack and relax.Is it bad to sleep in a hammock?Assuming you’ve set up your hammock properly, yes, sleeping in a hammock is safe! You’re actually much less likely to toss and turn in a hammock thanks to how they hold you. In fact, that’s also why a hammock won’t hurt your back, either.
