Cadence Gaelle Bridges- Interesting Facts About Ludacris Daughter

Cadence Gaelle Bridges is the daughter of Ludacris and his wife, Eudoxie Mbouguiengue, a rapper and actor. Ludacris, Bridges’ father, is well-known for his role as Tej Parker in the Fast and Furious film series, as well as his musical hits such as Back for the First Time, Word of Mouf, Chicken-n-Beer, and The Red Light District in 2004.

The Recording Industry Association of America certified all of them as multi-platinum.

Ludacris, in addition to being a well-known rapper and actor, is also a devoted father to his four daughters. While the actor will never say which one is his favorite, we like to speculate whether that mantle belongs to his third child, Candence.

Learn about her family relationships, including those with her father, mother, and siblings.

Cadence Gaelle Bridges Is The Third Child Of Ludacris

Bridges was born in June 2015, weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Her parents announced her birth on Instagram, with Eudoxie posting a balloon with the words “Baby Girl” written on it. Luda, on the other hand, shared his joy with a throwback photo of his baby’s mother alongside her mother in their native Gabon. Gaelle (which means “a father’s joy”) was Luda’s third child and Eudoxie’s first.

She is of African American descent on her father’s side, and she also has distant English and Native American ancestors. Ludacris, her father, is a distant cousin of late comedian Richard Pryor. Her mother is a Gabonese model. Cadence’s rapper father is a dual citizen of the United States and Gabon.

Cadence Gaelle Bridges’ Successful Grandparents

Roberta Shields, Bridges’ grandmother, and Ludacris’ mother, assisted in the establishment of The Ludacris Foundation. The organization’s mission is to inspire youth through education, memorable experiences, and assisting youth in helping themselves.

Cadence grandma has also formed alliances with industry titans and led volunteer teams to provide more than 150,000 hours of service to more than 10,000 people in need. She is also a former Fortune 100 executive with experience in financial services and strategic planning. Shields has a Master of Business Administration from Johns Hopkins University as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Illinois.

Similarly, Wayne Bridges, her late grandfather and Christopher’s father, was a businessman and marketing manager for DTP, Inc., a printing and marketing company.

Cadence Gaelle Bridges’s Mother Had A Rough Childhood

Eudoxie Bridges, Cadence’s mother, is from the villages of Gabon, a country in West Central Africa. She is now an advocate and activist for women who have been subjected to verbal, mental, and sexual abuse.

Eudoxie advocates for supporting, educating, inspiring, and empowering young ladies in the United States and West Africa through her website, Unspoken Angels, which provides safe and comforting environments with positive initiatives for females.

The story of Ms. Bridges’ humble beginnings is also told in Unspoken Angels. She has spoken on the website about times in her life when she did not have enough to eat. She has also spoken about her past experiences with verbal, mental, and sexual abuse. In her book, Unspoken Angel: My Story Through Her Eyes, Luda’s wife discusses her difficult childhood. She arrived in America knowing only three English words.

Thus, Gaelle’s mother hopes that through Unspoken Angels, she will be able to assist such girls in dealing with hurt, betrayal, and feelings of inadequacy. Eudoxie also has a medical degree.

Cadence Gaelle Bridges’s Mother Had Miscarriage

Eudoxie, Gaelle’s activist mother, spoke about another painful experience she had after a miscarriage on her Instagram in May 2018.

Eudoxie revealed that she had a miscarriage in 2018 and needed surgery as she expressed her gratitude to God for allowing her to celebrate another birthday.

Eudoxie explained how she said the cutest thing a mother could have heard while wishing Cadence a happy third birthday. According to the activist,

When she saw me cry for the first time during my miscarriage, she hugged me and said, “It’s going to be okay, Maman.” “Would you like daddy?”

Cadence Gaelle Bridges’s Father Fought For Custody

Chance Oyali Bridges, her younger sister, was born on July 28, 2021. Bridges’ mother named her after her late grandmother, Chance. Cadence has two older half-siblings, Cai Bridges and Karma Bridges, from her father’s previous relationships, in addition to Chance.

The Southern Hospitality singer won primary custody of his 1-year-old daughter, Cai, with his ex Tamika Fuller in February 2015. Cadence’s father filed for full custody of his daughter exactly a year ago. He then asserted that he was a fit and capable parent. Unfortunately for the American/Gobonese artist, a judge granted Tamika full custody, citing that it was in the child’s best interests to remain with her mother.

Furthermore, the father of four girls was ordered by the court to pay $7,500 per month in child support as well as Tamika’s $35,000 legal fees.

Karma Bridges, Cadence’s eldest half-sister, was born in August 2001 as a result of Luda’s relationship with his ex, Christine White. Christine worked as an attorney in Atlanta. The eldest daughter, Karma, is the inspiration for Ludacris’ animated series, Karma’s World. After graduating from high school in 2020, she announced her intention to attend Spelman College, a private, historically Black women’s liberal arts college in Atlanta, Georgia.

Cadence Gaelle Bridges and Her Sisters Enjoy Saying “Fart.”

The three-time Grammy Award-winning rapper is as perplexed as any parent about why their children do the things they do. Two of his children, presumably including Cadence, left Luda perplexed as to why they enjoyed saying “farts” so frequently.

In a TikTok video posted in May 2021, the Illinois-born singer expressed his frustration with trying to get his two youngest daughters to stop saying the word “fart.”

“Daddy? Is this how you spell f-a-r-t?”

says one of Ludacris’ daughters, who is sitting off-camera in the backseat.

“That’s correct, but why are you spelling fart?”

We can see the father reacting as his daughters laughed as they realized they had spelled the word correctly. Nonetheless, they keep repeating the word (and again).

Eventually, Ludacris becomes irritated and says,

“How come we’re spelling fart?” Let’s stop spelling fart — and don’t do it.” The fart giggles and questions, of course, continued. “OK, that’s enough,” said Ludacris. “Please, no more farts!” “I don’t want to even hear the word fart.”

One could clearly see that the Hollywood star is no different than any other parent who is trying to understand their children’s absurd antics.

This wasn’t the first time the creator of Battle Of The Sexes had to give in to his daughter’s irrationality. In March 2021, the celebrity shared a cute video of himself and his two youngest children, Cai and Candence.

In the video, the two young children can be seen covering their father in beach sand while on vacation at some beach. Luda, tired, looks into the camera and says,

“I’ve heard that sand is a natural exfoliant for the skin.” “But what do I know?” he quipped, jokingly. “I’m just a dad on spring break with my kids.”

Cadence Gaelle Bridges Parents Got Engaged And Married On The Same Day

Ludacris and Eudoxie, Gaelle’s parents, got engaged one day after Christmas in 2014. The Illinoisans posed the question to a Gabonese model on a flight to Costa Rica.

They had been dating for nearly five years before that. Their fans were shocked to learn that they had already married. According to E!, the proposal and wedding took place on the same day.

Eudoxie later told E! that she and her husband chose a simple and intimate wedding because it was perfect for them. She revealed that they wanted the day to be about their undying love for one another.

The couple first met on Ludaday. It was a weekend tradition designed to bring together families and celebrities. Interestingly, despite the fact that Ludacris admitted to cheating on her, Mbouguiengue has been able to give the rapper another chance to make amends.

Ludacris’ Ex-Wife Says The Marriage Was A Sham

Tamika Fuller, Chris’ ex, claimed Luda and Eudoxie’s marriage was more of a ruse to show the judge in their custody battle that he had a stable, loving household. Fuller implied that he married his new girlfriend in order to gain custody of Cai. Given how quickly they went from being engaged to — married.

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