The Meaning Behind The Song: Safeword by TV Girl


As a music enthusiast, I often find myself captivated by certain songs that evoke a sense of nostalgia or strike a chord within me. One such song that has left a lasting impression on me is “Safeword” by TV Girl. I first stumbled upon this song at a friend’s house, and from the moment the catchy melody started playing, I was instantly hooked.

Table of Contents

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Safeword” are both intriguing and thought-provoking. The song begins by emphasizing the importance of knowing and understanding one’s boundaries in a relationship. It delves into the concept of a “safeword,” a term commonly used in BDSM to communicate limits or discomfort. The repetition of the phrase “Remember your safeword” throughout the song serves as a reminder to stay true to oneself and never compromise personal well-being.

Throughout the song, TV Girl explores the notion of power dynamics and control. The lyrics suggest that there is a certain thrill in stepping outside of societal norms and engaging in consensual acts that may be perceived as taboo. However, there is also a cautionary tone, reminding listeners to be mindful of their actions and the potential consequences.

An Unconventional Sample

One interesting aspect of “Safeword” is the use of a sample from the outro of the 1962 song “Wisdom of a Fool” by The Royal Jesters, a Chicano doo-wop/R&B band from San Antonio, TX. The sample adds a nostalgic and slightly melancholic vibe to the song, juxtaposing the modern lyrics with a classic sound. This creative choice by TV Girl demonstrates their ability to fuse different musical elements and create a unique listening experience.

Personal Reflections

When I first heard “Safeword,” I was immediately drawn to its catchy melody and infectious rhythm. However, upon closer examination of the lyrics, I realized that there was much more depth to this song than initially meets the ear. It made me reflect on the importance of setting boundaries in my own life, both in relationships and in general.

The song’s emphasis on communication and consent resonated with me, reminding me of the significance of open and honest dialogue in any interaction. It highlighted the necessity of ensuring that all parties involved feel safe and respected, regardless of the context. This powerful message served as a gentle reminder to prioritize my own well-being and to be mindful of the boundaries of others.

In Conclusion

“Safeword” by TV Girl is a captivating song that combines catchy melodies with thought-provoking lyrics. It delves into the concept of boundaries, power dynamics, and the importance of communication and consent. Through its intriguing use of a sample from a classic song, the track stands out as a unique blend of old and new.

Listening to this song has not only provided me with an enjoyable musical experience, but it has also encouraged self-reflection and a deeper understanding of the importance of personal boundaries. “Safeword” serves as a reminder to remain true to oneself and to prioritize open communication in all aspects of life.
