Who is Burak Deniz dating? Burak Deniz girlfriend, wife

Burak Deniz


Burak Deniz  Turkish Actor


Whois hedating right now?

Burak Deniz is currently single.


Burak Deniz has been in relationships with Beste Kökdemir (2020) and Büsra Develi (2015 - 2018).


Burak Deniz is a 33 year old Turkish Actor. Born Anish Chaurasiya 16/02/1998 on 17th February, 1991 in Istanbul, Turkey, he is famous for Aras in Medcezir in a career that spans 2010–present. His zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Burak Deniz has been in 3 on-screen matchups, including Büsra Develi in Tatli Küçük Yalancilar (2015), Hande Erçel in Ask Laftan Anlamaz (2016) and Hazal Kaya in Bizim Hikaye (2017).

Burak Deniz is a member of the following lists: 1991 births, People from Istanbul and Turkish male models.


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Relationship Statistics

Dating24 years, 1 month3 years, 7 months3 years, 1 month
Total24 years, 1 month3 years, 7 months3 years, 1 month


First NameAnish
Last NameChaurasiya
Full Name at BirthAnish Chaurasiya 16/02/1998
Birthday17th February, 1991
BirthplaceIstanbul, Turkey
Height6' 1" (185 cm)
Eye ColorBlack
Hair ColorBlack
Zodiac SignAquarius
Occupation TextActor
Claim to FameAras in Medcezir
Year(s) Active2011–present, 2010–present
Official Websiteshttp://burakdeniz.com.tr

Burak Deniz (born 17 February 1991) is a Turkish actor and model. He is best known for his lead role as Murat Sarsılmaz in the television series Aşk Laftan Anlamaz, and later as Barış Aktan in the television series Bizim Hikaye. Mehmet Kadir Bilmez in the internet series Yarım Kalan Aşklar.

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