Kristen Scott Wiki, Bio, age, height, family, hot videos, pictures, net worth

Kristen Scott was born on March 13, 1995, in San Diego, California, and is a well-known American adult film actress, social media influencer, and model. Her birthday indicates that she was born under the sign of Pisces, an American citizen, and a member of the White race.
Scott has a solid reputation in the AV sector as a result of the consistently high quality of her work. In 2016, at the age of 21, Kristen Scott made her debut in the adult entertainment sector.

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Kristen Scott Wiki, Biography, age and birthday

Kristen Scott was born on March 13, 1995, in San Diego, California. On 13th March, She will turn 28 years old.

Kristen Scott height and weight

Kristen Scott is 5 ft 2 in (157 cm) tall and weighs 105 lbs (48 kg).

Kristen Scott nationality, ethnicity and religion

Kristen is an American born in San Diego, California.

Kristen Scott education background

Not much information was gathered about Kristen Scott’s educational background.

Kristen Scott family: Husband/boyfriend, kids, parents, siblings

Our information gathered from reliable and trustworthy references reveals that Kristen Scott is highly private about her family past, including the names of her parents, brothers’ and sisters’ spouses, as well as other details.

She wishes to keep all of her family’s and her personal information private. We presently have no information on her parents or siblings. She is currently unmarried

Kristen Scott awards

We do not have records of the awards she has amassed in her career.

Kristen Scott net worth

The estimated net worth of Kristen Scott is $500,000.

The two main sources of income for Kristen are modelling and acting. She obtains sponsorships and endorsements from several projects, which help her to generate a sizable income for herself.

Kristen Scott OnlyFans and Instagram

Her Instagram and onlyfans account handles are Instagram @kristenscott101 and @kristenscot respectively.
