O.J. Simpson's Eldest Daughter Arnelle Has Struggled to Hold a Job Since His 2nd Arrest

Celebrities are often under constant media scrutiny, and for some celebrities, this means that their lives are constantly in the public view. For the most famous celebrities, this also usually means that their children become famous by association. While some celebrity kids will turn their fame into a career, for many other celebrity children, they simply try their best to live the quietest life that they can. This is, unfortunately, the case for most of O.J. Simpson’s children, who, by and large, simply want to live a normal life. But, thanks to their father’s actions, this wasn’t possible, especially for his oldest daughter, Arnelle Simpson. 

A look at Arnelle Simpson’s earlier life

As Nicki Swift wrote, Arnelle is O.J.’s oldest child, and she was born to his first wife, Marguerite Whitley. She was born in 1968, which means that she was a young woman by the time that her father got arrested, tried, and acquitted for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. 

While she enjoyed the fruits of her father’s labors when he was in the NFL, during the trial, she was forced to become the head of the household of sorts. Nicki Swift said that she helped take care of her half-siblings, Sydney and Justin, who were born from O.J.’s marriage with Nicole. 

As a result of this, O.J.’s children bonded together, according to Nicki Swift. And, like most families, Arnelle’s loyalty to her family shined when her father was arrested for armed robbery in 2007.

What Arnelle did for O.J. after his second arrest

O.J. was able to outrun the law after his first arrest, but the law caught up to him after his second arrest. He was convicted of armed robbery, kidnapping, and other offenses, and, according to Yahoo News, he was sentenced to 33 years in prison for those crimes. 

Nicki Swift said that Arnelle fought for her father after his second arrest, as she not only defended him during his trial, but she also wrote letters to the parole board after he was convicted. Not only that, but she also took control over his finances, as she was in charge of using his NFL pension to pay for his Florida mansion, according to Yahoo News. 

On top of that, Nicki Swift said that Arnelle was actually partially responsible for getting her father to write his book, If I Did It. The book was published before his second arrest, but there was a legal battle over the profits from the book after it was published. Arnelle once again fought on her father’s behalf in that lawsuit, but ultimately, the Goldman family won out. 

The jobs that Arnelle has tried to hold down

Arnelle and the rest of the Simpson family were ultimately successful though, as O.J. was paroled in 2017 after he had served nine years in prison, according to Nicki Swift. That said, since Arnelle got herself in the public spotlight by defending her dad on so many occasions, she’s also had a hard time holding down a job afterwards.

According to Nicki Swift, Arnelle worked for a rapper named Hash, and she also produced a few fashion shows, but other than those gigs, she’s had a hard time getting a solid career going. Despite that though, Nicki Swift wrote that, after her dad’s second arrest, she basically became the caretaker for his estate. 

But, in terms of finances, Yahoo News reported that she may not have done a great job with that. Her dad had a $25,000 a month NFL pension, and his Florida mansion had a roughly $3,000 a month mortgage. Despite that though, she fell behind on payments, perhaps due to her shopping habits, according to Yahoo News. Regardless, Trend Celebs Now estimates that she has a net worth of anywhere between $1 million to $5 million.
