Nikki Reed looks and feels a different person after she adopted a healthy lifestyle!

Nikki Reed looks and feels a different person after she adopted a healthy lifestyle!
  • Nikki Reed looks like a totally different person post-pregnancy
  • She used to live in an unhealthy way but during this pregnancy, she realized her grave mistake and opted to set things right

Nikki Reed looked closely at what she ate and used it as a beauty product. She changed her eating habits and also what she used for makeup and the result was dramatic.

Nikki Reed and her new look

After modifying her lifestyle, eating healthy, and paying attention to which cosmetics she uses on her body, Nikki Reed has undergone a great transformation of her body. She has changed so much that she cannot recognize herself.

She said :

“I looked like a totally different person,” 

She feels young from within.

What do her fans and viewers feel?

Her audience and fans have also observed the great transformation in her and many felt and attributed it to some plastic surgery procedures.

But Nikki, 35 asserted:

“It’s amazing what a little inflammation due to unhealthy living can do to the bridge of your nose, or your pores, or your teeth,”

She added:

“I have even read false things about myself like that I had a nose job, or veneers. Funny enough, I haven’t done a single thing to my face, except changed my lifestyle and reduced my chemical intake.”

What lifestyle changes Nikki has done?

Nikki has taken to exercising daily. She has tried to minimize chemicals from her diet and makeup products. She now feels and looks healthier than before.

Niki said:

“What people don’t realize is that it’s all connected. What you put in your body affects not just your insides, but [also] your outsides and your mind. And inversely, what you put on your body affects your insides as well.”

Nikki knew and was conscious of the ingredients of food and beauty products but when she was pregnant with her daughter Bodhi she started looking at these things with a renewed interest and energy.

She said:

“Suddenly I was thinking about the health and wellness of another human being sharing my body, and I wanted to create the best home in there for her as possible, I remember reading labels on products that I used regularly that said ‘not safe for pregnant women,’ and thinking, ‘That’s strange, I wonder why it isn’t safe for me now that I’m expecting? What is it in these products that would be deemed okay for me a few months ago, and now they’re off limits?’ ”

She gradually switched to organic products and those containing fewer ingredients. The first switch she did was to start using natural toothpaste.

She started a social experiment with Tom’s of Maine and there was a genuine talk discussion on ingredients and its awareness.

She feels that getting into the habit of reading labels is a must. She says:

“You don’t have to do everything all at once, I would definitely start with the things you use every day, like your face cream, just to have an understanding of what you’re putting into your body the most. Change one thing, like your lipstick, or your mouthwash, or your deodorant.” 

She also began her own company called Bayou with Love. It creates healthy products for males and females. She states:

“I love the shift that has happened with awareness surrounding our food industry and the importance of being conscious of what you put in your body, and I think we’re two seconds away from that shift in the beauty industry,”

Reed adds:

“What’s inside matters!”

Short bio on Nikki Reed

Nikki Reed is an American actress, screenwriter, singer-songwriter, and model. She is best known to the general public for her portrayal of vampire Rosalie Hale in The Twilight Saga (2008–2012). She is also popular for her role as Betsy Ross in the TV series Sleepy Hollow (2015-2016). More bio…

Source:, yahoo lifestyle, Herald-Mail media

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