Is Justin Trudeau Related To Kevin Trudeau? What About Fidel Castro Connection

Is Justin Trudeau, the current Prime Minister, related to American author Kevin Trudeau? Could there be a family connection between them?In recent news, the federal government is enacting the Emergencies Act. They declare a public order emergency to end the ongoing trucker convoy demonstrations and blockades.

On Monday, February 15th, Justin Trudeau announced this news.

Many people have been curious whether Kevin Trudeau and Justin Trudeau have any connections. We ran a fact check to clear up any confusion or doubt you may have.

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Fact Check: Is Justin Trudeau Related To Kevin Trudeau?

No, Justin Trudeau is not related to Kevin Trudeau. They share a surname, although they are not related by blood.

Take a look at their nationalities to confirm this fact with more details. Kevin is a native of the United States, whereas Justin was born in Canada.

Kevin is a convicted fraudster, best known for his book promotion and subsequent lawsuits with the US Federal Trade Commission.

Trudeau is being held in a Montgomery, Alabama, minimum-security prison camp. In July 2022, Kevin will be eligible for release.

The Trudeau family is a Canadian family that dates back to the French colonial era.

The Trudeau surname can be traced back to the 16th-century French town of Marcillac-Labonville.

They are probably related as they share the same last name. However, there is no solid evidence, so we must conclude that they are unrelated.

Justin Trudeau Relationship With Fidel Castro

The allegation that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s father was Fidel Castro is incorrect.

The conspiracy theory that Mr. Trudeau is Mr. Castro’s son has picked up steam on social media in recent days.

These days, misinformation has become a crucial tool in bringing down powerful figures all around the world.

In an opinion piece published on Fox News, American journalist Tucker Carlson supported this allegation that the Canadian prime minister is his “illegitimate son.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Invokes Emergencies Act

To end trucker-led protests against COVID health restrictions, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau utilized rarely-used emergency powers.

Trudeau stated that the military would not be deployed at this time but that authorities would be given greater authority to arrest demonstrators.

The act will seize the protesters’ trucks to clear blockages, as well as prohibit protest funding.

These protests against mandated vaccinations by Canadian truckers

Trudeau’s father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, had previously employed the Emergencies Act during the 1970 October Crisis.
