Cal Naughton, Jr. (also known as Mike Honcho) is a professional NASCAR driver. He is Ricky Bobby’s close friend. Ricky is the “Bake,” while he is the “Shake.” Cal wishes Ricky would let him win every now and then, but there can’t be two number ones; that’s eleven! Cal imagines Jesus dressed in a tuxedo T-shirt because it communicates, “I want to be formal, but I’m also here to party.” Cal enjoys having a good time, therefore he wants his Jesus to have a good time as well. Cal is known as “The Magic Man.” You see him now, and then you don’t! Along with Ricky Bobby, he was included in a NASCAR documentary.
Cal Naughton Jr Quotes
“ I like to think of Jesus as an Ice Dancer, dressed in an all-white jumpsuit, and doing an interpretive dance of my life.”
“Cal Naughton, Jr.: Did he just say ‘husband’?
Herschell: Wow…Dennit hired a gay Frenchman as your teammate!
Ricky Bobby: The room’s startin’ to spin real fast…cause of…cause of all the gayness. Cal…I love you. [Ricky faints]
Cal Naughton, Jr.: Ricky! Ricky! OH, GOD!”
“I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I’m here to party.”
“I like to think of Jesus like with giant eagle’s wings, and singin’ lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd with like an angel band and I’m in the front row and I’m hammered drunk!”
“So when you say psychosomatic, you mean like he could start a fire with his thoughts_”
“There is something I want to get off my chest. It’s about that summer when you went away to community college. I got an offer to do Playgirl Magazine, and I did it. I did a full spread for Playgirl magazine. I mean spread man, I pulled.
Who is Cal Naughton Jr based on?
Cal Naughton Jr.’s long sideburns and handlebar mustache, according to Mental Floss, were inspired by the driving heroes of the 1960s and 1970s. Reilly evidently didn’t like the fact that today’s racers are usually clean-shaven, whereas older racers had distinct facial hair.