Bird blocks are the blocks between the rafters where they rest on the plate of the exterior wall of the building. These bird blocks are usually 2×4’s of wood which space the rafters 2 feet apart.Click to see full answer. Also asked, how do I keep birds out of my attic vents? Install Steel Screens Inspect your home for any holes or vulnerable areas such as the chimney or outside vents. Install a tight mesh steel screen to keep birds from going in and out of those small holes and making your attic a nesting area.Beside above, how long can a bird live trapped in an attic? three to four months Likewise, what is roof blocking? Blocking between rafters (or trusses) is used at the bearing points of rafters and ceiling joists to prevent lateral movement or rolling of the rafter. Roof beams and blocking can be either sawn lumber or engineered lumber.How do I get rid of birds in my ceiling? Here are some common removal methods that could help you be rid of those pesky birds. Trapping – Using a trap and some food is a great way to catch birds trapped inside your roof. Decoys – Placing fake predators, like owls and hawks, on your roof is a clever way to trick birds into staying away.