A dry fertilizer that contains 6 to 10 percent nitrogen, 6 to 10 percent potash, 6 to 10 percent phosphoric acid and 4 to 6 percent magnesium works well. Young pineapple plants should be fertilized every two months or so during the growing season.Click to see full answer. Also, how often do you fertilize pineapples?Pineapple plants should receive balanced fertilizer applications every two months for the first year, for a total of six fertilizer applications.Similarly, are coffee grounds good for pineapple plants? Coffee grounds are rich in Nitrogen. Pineapples love them. The additional Nitrogen inhibits blooming. I stopped sprinkling the grounds, added a little manure mixture, plenty of water (it’s been dry lately.) Similarly, it is asked, what nutrients do pineapple plants need? Nutrients for Pineapple Plants Nitrogen. The nutrient nitrogen is essential food for any green plant, but particularly true for young pineapple plants. Magnesium. Magnesium is an essential nutrient for healthy pineapple growth and helps balance the large amount of potassium the pineapple plant requires. Potassium. Phosphorus. Micronutrients. How often should pineapples be watered?The pineapple plant is miserly with water, requiring only about 20 inches of natural rainfall per year, if well distributed. You need only wet the soil once a week, and when the plant is indoors, it is best to apply all the water to the soil.