Steven Crowder and Candace Owens Conflict Explained

A video in which Crowder stated that his wife was divorcing him triggered a rivalry between Candace Owens and Steven Crowder, two right-wing “culture warriors,” with Crowder suggesting that Owens had crossed a line by openly alluding to his marriage issues.

Who is Steven Crowder?

Crowder is a prominent figure in the “anti-woke” YouTube community, but he has received much criticism for the provocative comedy routines he has posted. He has been accυsed of homophobia, racἰsm, and mis0gyny, and YouTube has frequently demonetized his videos as a result.

“Change my Mind,” a screenshot of Crowder preparing for a debate with college students, has become a popular meme template. Although Crowder and Owens share similar political and religious beliefs, the two content creators have been at odds since January, when Crowder rejected a $50 million agreement to join the Daily Wire, dubbing it a “slave contract” as per reports.

— Kristi Yamaguccimane (@wapplehouse) April 25, 2023

Crowder then went on to accυse the corporation of “big tech censorship” in a video, which led to an extremely heated battle between himself and Ben Shapiro, co-founder of the Daily Wire.

The Ring Welcomes Candace Owens

Owens, who works for the Daily Wire, called Crowder’s video “a total b*tch move,” and then she released a video where she hinted repeatedly that she knows of something embarrassing in Crowder’s personal life, saying things like, “his actions are a symptom of something much larger… The best way to put it is that Steven is very busy.

Owens continued by asking her listeners to pray for Crowder, saying, “Sometimes folks need a prayer. Sometimes quoting scripture can help someone. I think Steven, who calls himself a Christian, would benefit from putting more weight on his beliefs. I have no doubt that further details will emerge in the near future.

You can also check out more information we have provided about Steven Crowders below:

The Split Up of Steven Crowder

Crowder posted a video in which he discussed his divorce, which he described as “what has increasingly been a horrendous divorce” since 2021. Twitter users were shocked and mocked by Crowder’s video because he constantly hints in it that he is outraged that his wife can divorce him under Texas law without his consent.

Simply put, “she wanted out,” and “the law says, that’s how it works,” Crowder explained. “In this particular instance, there is no one to blame but myself; I simply made the wrong choice.”

If you really listen to Steven Crowder talk about his divorce, the thing that makes him the most angry is that his wife can legally divorce him without his permission

— Brandon Bradford (@BrandonLBradfor) April 25, 2023

Crowder really spent a full minute of this video implying it should have been ILLEGAL for his wife to divorce him. Why are more people not talking about this aspect of this??????

— Twice Blaked Potato (@catlovingcommie) April 25, 2023

Crowder then shifted his focus to “other persons” in “positions of power, influence, [and] leverage” who were aware of the divorce and who “understood that the safety of my children meant keeping it hidden. If you have any experience with extortion, you will understand this. If so, you know how it feels; some of those thr*ats were so obvious, I’m astonished none of you guessed.

After playing a clip of Candace Owens’ January comments and criticizing “self-styled Christians,” Crowder said, “I’ll be handling this through the proper legal avenues and channels available as a matter of record in which I have more than full confidence.”

Owens quickly responded with a video titled “Steven Crowder Accυsed Me of Extortion,” in which she threatened legal action of her own, warning that she had “contacted a defamation lawyer and I am sending Steven Crowder a cease and desist,” and adding that she was “going to demand a full-throated retraction.”

Finally, Owens extended an invitation to Crowder’s ex-wife to join her on stage so they could “talk about what’s actually going on.”

If you thought the Steven Crowder story couldn’t get any stranger, Candance Owens reveals that he was dropping into her Instagram replies. “There’s something about me you’re hyper focused on”.

She’s now inviting his ex-wife to come on her show and set the record straight

— The Serfs (@theserfstv) April 25, 2023

Owens continued to escalate the nasty feud on Twitter, writing, “Steven Crowder accusing me of extortion is so patently insane that it honestly makes me question how there are still people who cannot see how thoroughly undone he has become.” Such an attitude cannot be maintained. This guy is going downhill fast. Totally unusual and cause for alarm.

Some really funny drama happening in right wing media now

— Wild Geerters (@steinkobbe) April 25, 2023

The drama sparked reaction from content providers on the political left and right, and even got the word “divorce” trending on Twitter.

It’s absolutely disgusting that people on the right would use Steven Crowder’s divorce as leverage against him, to use it against him to embarrass him. Divorce happens. It doesn’t even sound like it was his choice.

You expect it from the left but totally shameful from the right

— TheQuartering (@TheQuartering) April 25, 2023

interesting to tweet this out while you were going through divorce court

— hasanabi (@hasanthehun) April 26, 2023

It didn’t take long for Twitter users to point out Crowder’s hypocrisy, though, as he went about his day as usual and released a video ridiculing a happy transgender couple.

steven crowder released a lengthy public statement today about how his wife left him and he’d like privacy during this time and then immediately went back to bully queer couples on the internet like a normal well-adjusted 35 year old

— matt (@mattxiv) April 26, 2023

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