Can you use campho Phenique on hemorrhoids?

How to use Campho-Phenique Cream. This medication is for use only on the skin as directed by your doctor. For hemorrhoids or other anal conditions, apply the medication to the affected area usually after each bowel movement or up to 4 to 5 times a day, or as directed by your doctor.Click to see full answer. Just so, what is campho Phenique good for? Uses of Campho-Phenique: It is used to relieve itching and pain from insect bites or skin irritation. It is used to help lower the chance of infection from minor cuts, scrapes, burns, or insect bites. It is used to treat cold sores.Furthermore, how does campho Phenique work? Ingredients in Campho-Phenique can temporarily ease the pain and discomfort you experience at the early stages of cold sores, while an antiseptic works to prevent spreading the infections which may slow down the healing process. In this regard, can you use campho Phenique for toothache? Apply an over-the-counter oral medication to the affected area with a clean Q-tip such as Campho-Phenique, Blistex, or Orabase. Please note that dental pain caused by a tooth will not likely subside or get better on its own.Can you use too much campho Phenique?Campho-Phenique overdose occurs when someone applies more than the normal or recommended amount of this medicine or takes it by mouth. This can be by accident or on purpose. Inhaling a large amount of Campho-Phenique fumes may also cause symptoms.
