Griselda Blanco, a Columbian drug lord, went through a lot of hardships in her younger years of life. She faced many struggles in life that laid the base for her becoming a drug dealer. Let’s have a look at Griselda Blanco younger years life story with pictures and unknown details.
Griselda Blanco Younger Years
When Griselda was only three years old, her father left her mother. She lived with her mother till her teenage. When she was around 13 years old, she started to get involved in criminal activities like theft and assistance in kidnapping and murder. Here is a very rare picture of Griselda Blanco when she was very young.

Griselda went through sexual abuse by her mother’s boyfriend during her teenage days. Due to that, she left her mother’s house at the age of 19. She got involved in many illegal activities after that. She was very young when she married for the first time. Griselda had three sons from her first husband and she was around 22-23 years at that time.

After getting divorced from her first husband, Griselda started her relationship with Alberto. He got involved in the drug business in Miami through Alberto who was a Drug dealer. She assisted her in supplying drugs from Columbia to Miami. Eventually, she married Alberto.
Read More: Griselda’s Third Husband Dario’s Death & Life Story

After a few years, Griselda killed Alberto during a fight. Then she met Dario who was also a drug dealer and married him. Griselda Blanco went through a very tough time at a very young age. Those tough circumstances turned her into a leader of the drug mafia.
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