it’s inside the fuel tank,part of the fuel pump module assembly,not serviceable. it’s inside the fuel tank,part of the fuel pump module assembly,not serviceable.Click to see full answer. Just so, where is the fuel filter on a 2012 Nissan Sentra?the fuel filter is part of the fuel pump module assembly,located in the fuel tank,and is not serviceable. the fuel filter is part of the fuel pump module assembly,located in the fuel tank,and is not serviceable.Subsequently, question is, where is the fuel filter located? A fuel filter located under the vehicle near the fuel tank. A fuel filter in the fuel line under the hood. Some vehicles also have a fuel filter in the fuel pump as well as a filter screen inside the fuel tank. Similarly, you may ask, does a Nissan Sentra have a fuel filter? ) Sentras. The O-ring seal for the fuel pump should also be replaced. On older Sentras the filter is located on the firewall in the engine compartment.Where is the fuel filter on a 2012 Dodge Avenger?The fuel filter is located underneath the battery mounting space. Raise the rear, right side of the vehicle (passenger side) using a floor jack if you have a model other than a 1995. Safely support the rear side of the vehicle using jack stand. You will see the fuel filter underneath the frame rail, near the fuel tank.