Coral Island: How to Eat Foods From Your Inventory

If you just cooked a meal, foraged an edible flower, or got awarded with some jamu and tree seeds from a chest, you’re probably left wondering how to eat it.

In Coral Island, players can’t eat food directly from their backpacks. Instead, it can only be done from the toolbar.

If you’re eating food to recover energy, another alternative to consider would be unlocking the hot springs area. It helps regenerate stamina at no cost other than having to spend some time getting there.

In this guide, I will explain how to eat foods from your inventory in Coral Island to conveniently restore your energy while you’re out exploring as well as when to eat food and which types of food to prefer.

How to Eat Food in Coral Island

Opening your inventory and trying to eat anything from there won’t work in Coral Island. Instead, to eat any food, players need to have it in their hotbar, select it by scrolling to its appropriate slot and left-clicking it.

Then, they will get a prompt about whether they would like to eat the selected item or not. After selecting yes, that’s it. The food has been eaten, and energy and HP have been restored.

But when should players eat food?

When to Eat Food in Coral Island

Food is a fairly limited resource and shouldn’t be wasted when not necessary. Specifically, food should be used when in the mines or diving.

This is because these activities require extra energy to complete and are far away from the hot springs.

Instead, if you’re clearing around the farm and farming wood and tree seeds, a trip to the hot springs will only take seconds. Thus, it’s not ideal to use food there, unless you’ve got a lot of extra dishes to spare.

Now that you have an idea of when to eat food, let’s examine which are the best and most efficient foods to eat in Coral Island.

Best Food in Coral Island

There’s a wide variety of meals available in Coral Island, ranging from low-tier, easy-to-make meals with monster drops to high-quality cooked dishes with recipes awarded from villagers.

For the early game, the best food is the candied tree seed, since it’s extremely easy to make and restores a solid amount of energy and health.

Another great alternative is jamu. Jamu is found as a reward after reaching certain milestones in the mines.

While its quantity is limited and players can’t craft more, each jamu restores over 400 energy, which is an entire stamina bar during the early game.

As for late-game options, most cooked meals will do. However, players will first need to unlock the kitchen by upgrading their house and then give villagers their favorite gifts to unlock recipes.


To sum up, this is how to eat food from your inventory in Coral Island. All it takes is selecting the food from your hotbar and left-clicking.

Also, now you know the best foods in Coral Island as well as when is the most optimal time to eat them.

If you’re looking for other alternatives to reduce your energy consumption, perhaps you could consider installing mods in Coral Island. It’s easier than it sounds and only takes a few minutes to set up.

What’s your go-to food in Coral Island? Do you eat it while mining, or during a different activity? Let us know in the comments below.

Harry Harry has been a fan of video games from a very young age and writing allows him to share that passion with others. His favorite genres include MMORPGs, survival, and FPS.

He has a Master’s Degree in Philosophy, which allows him to always come up with a fresh approach to solving in-game puzzles and challenges, but also to create content that’s to the point, clean and easy to follow.


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